Overview of accessibility statements


Website Accessibility Statement

As the website operator, we (the Stiftung Digitale Chancen), strive to offer the websitewww.kulturpass.de in an accessible manner. This is in line with the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Gesetz zur Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen, BGG) and the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0).

Status of compatibility with the requirements of the BITV

The accessibility requirements are derived from sections 3(1) to (4) and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was enacted on the basis of section 12d of the BGG.

We are striving to remove these barriers to accessibility incrementally.

Creation of this accessibility statement

This declaration was created on April 18, 2023


Have you noticed any deficiencies in the barrier-free access to content on our website or do you have any comments as well as questions about barrier-free access? Feel free to contact us at:

Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Chausseestr. 15
10115 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30-437277-33

Email: kontakt@kulturpass.de
Internet: https://www.kulturpass.de


If you are of the opinion that you have been disadvantaged by an inadequate barrier-free design of  https://www.kulturpass.de you can contact the Schlichtungsstelle BGG:

Schlichtungsstelle nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz bei dem Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin

Telephone: 030 18 527 2805
Internet: www.schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de