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You are 18?*
Download the app!
Now available for download on Apple App Store and Google Play.
*For whom?
From March 1, 2024, young people who turn 18 in 2024 will be able to unlock their culture budget of €100 and use it from their 18th birthday.
For the 2005 cohort, it was possible to unlock a budget until 31.12.2023, which can now be used until 31.12.2024 for all offers in the KulturPass app.
The desired offer is reserved via the app and then collected on site. Everyone else can either register for the KulturPass without unlocking a budget, or use the app and web application as a cultural navigator without registering.
Are you a culture provider?
Cultural providers can register on the KulturPass platform and make their events and cultural products available there.
All that is required for registration is an Elster certificate. This verifies that the providers are able to place their offers on the virtual marketplace. The costs for the offers that are used will be refunded afterwards.